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Empowering you to live your best life.

PLEASE NOTE:  Aesthetic procedures are available at the Sugar Land location only.

Hormone imbalances are common today, due to our fast-paced lifestyles and poor eating and exercise habits. However, there are ways to naturally keep your hormones balanced and optimized.

Hormone Op​timi​zation

Hormone optimization is a type of medical treatment that aims to restore hormonal balance in the body by optimizing the levels of specific hormones. Hormone optimization involves identifying and correcting hormonal imbalances that may be causing symptoms or affecting overall health. This may include testing for deficiencies or excesses in certain hormones and then prescribing treatments to restore hormonal balance.

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What are hormones and why is it important they are balanced.

Hormones are chemical messengers produced by various glands in the body that regulate many physiological functions, including metabolism, growth and development, mood, and reproduction. Hormones travel through the bloodstream to our tissues and organs, delivering messages that tell our organs what to do and when to do it.  Hormones are essential for regulating most major body functions, so a hormonal imbalance can affect many body functions.

At CIMA, we offer hormone optimization treatments to help you restore your natural wellness and regain control over your emotions and your life. Our medical spa in Sugar Land, Texas, is home to a friendly and knowledgeable staff with access to the most advanced technologies in hormone therapy. We’re confident that we can address any concerns related to your hormones and your health, so we encourage you to learn more about our services below and 
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What are the symptoms of hormone imbalance?

Have you been feeling sluggish even after getting full nights of sleep? Do you feel constantly bothered by even the smallest of annoyances? Are you tired of not feeling like yourself? If so, your body’s internal hormones may be to blame.

Hormone levels naturally decline up to 10% yearly as we age. This causes us to experience a hormone imbalance  since our body is not producing as many essential hormones as it used to. Additionally, factors such as stress, poor diet, environmental toxins, and certain medical conditions can also cause hormone imbalances. 

Studies have shown that optimized hormones are necessary for good health, but what can you do to restore them once they’re already out of balance? Getting your hormone levels tested at our medical spa in Sugar Land is a great place to start, as it is the only way to definitively determine your hormone balance. From there, our certified staff can work with you to create a custom treatment plan to get your hormone levels back on track.

Signs and Symptoms- Women

There are a variety of symptoms of hormone imbalance in women and may include:

Trouble sleeping
Mood swings
Low mood
Night sweats
Hot flashes or flushes
Weight gain
Decreased sex drive
Discomfort during intercourse

Signs and Symptoms- Men

Symptoms consistent with low testosterone and other cases of male hormonal imbalance may include:

Mood changes
Anxiety & Irritability
Brain fog
Elevated blood sugar
High cholesterol
Loss of muscle mass
Decreased bone mass
Increased body fat
Low sex drive

Patients tell us they experience:

Increased energy, strength and weight loss.

Better moods, memory, and mental clarity.

Restored libido and improved relationships.

Feel younger, healthier, and happier.

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